Artichokes have a reputation for being difficult to work with. From pokey leaves to feathery interiors, they are not the most approachable vegetable. To transform this flower to a delicious appetizer, we have a few tips on how to prepare the best grilled artichokes. We promise they are easier than you think and well worth the effort. All it takes is a pair of scissors and a lemon for the perfect grilled artichokes every time.
- How to Make the Best Grilled Artichokes
- Tips for Finding the Best Artichokes for Grilled Artichokes:
- Step 1: Wash and de-thorn your artichoke
- Step 2: Cut off the thorns
- Step 3: Cut the stem and peel the outer leaves
- Step 4: De-Fuzz the artichoke (this can also be done after steaming)
- Step 5: Steam
- Optional: Grill the Artichoke
- Grilled Artichoke FAQs:

How to Make the Best Grilled Artichokes
Grilled artichokes are a delicious and healthy appetizer or side dish. To make the best grilled artichokes, start by washing and preparing the artichokes as described in the recipe. Then, steam them until they are tender and remove the fuzzy center with a spoon. Finally, brush them with olive oil and sprinkle them with sea salt before grilling them face down for 5-10 minutes until grill marks form. Serve with aioli or your favorite dipping sauce.
Tips for Finding the Best Artichokes for Grilled Artichokes:
When shopping for artichokes, look for ones that are firm, heavy, and have tightly packed leaves. The leaves should be a deep green color and should squeak when pressed together. Avoid artichokes that are brown or have lots brown spots on the leaves, as this indicates that they are not fresh.

Step 1: Wash and de-thorn your artichoke
Prepare the artichokes by rinsing them under cold water. Along with the artichokes, rinse a lemon. Lemons are used at every step to ensure the artichokes do not turn brown. Artichokes have an enzyme that causes them to brown quickly. After every cut, place lemon juice directly on the artichoke so make sure to have the lemons handy before starting. We also like to have a bowl of lemon water on the side so after each artichoke is prepped, we place them in there while we are prepping the other artichokes.

Step 2: Cut off the thorns
Use a knife to cut about an inch off the top of the artichoke, this will remove the majority of the thorns which concentrate at the top of the flower. After the artichoke is cute, immediately rub it with lemon. Take a pair of scissors and cut each remaining thorn from each leaf. After each is removed, rub each cut with lemon.

Step 3: Cut the stem and peel the outer leaves
Using a knife, cut off the end of the stem (~1”) and peel off the outermost layer of leaves (~1-2 times fully around the base of the artichoke. Place lemon juice alongside all exposed parts of the stem.
Step 4: De-Fuzz the artichoke (this can also be done after steaming)
Cut the artichoke in half longwise and rub all exposed sides with lemon juice. Using a spoon, carefully remove all the fuzz from the inside. The tip of a potato peeler used for potato eyes also works great. Dispose of the fuzz as this part is not edible. It can be removed before or after steaming. We find it is slightly easier to remove after steaming since the base is tender but either way works.

Step 5: Steam
Place the artichokes in a steam basket and steam for 45 minutes.
Optional: Grill the Artichoke
Cover the artichokes in olive oil and grill for 5-10 minutes until grill marks form.

Grilled Artichokes
- 3 artichokes
- 1 lemon
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- flaky salt for sprinkling
- Wash and prepare artichokes. To prep the artichokes, use a serrated knife to cut ~1” off the top of the artichoke and then use kitchen shears to remove the thorny tips from each leaf. Keep a lemon handy and rub each cut with lemon juice to keep the artichoke from oxidizing (we also place them in a bowl of lemon water while we are preparing the rest of the chokes)
- Clean the stem by cutting off an inch from the bottom of the stem and peeling the remaining outer stem. Rub the exposed stem with lemon juice
- Cut the artichoke in half. Again, rub the exposed choke with a lemon
- In a pot of boiling water with ~2-3 inches of water, place a steaming basket over the water so the water is not touching the basket. Place the pot over medium high heat and add the artichokes. Steam for ~35 minutes until tender. (If you don't have a steam basket, they can also be added directly to the boiling water)
- Remove them from the water and remove the furry, indelible center with a spoon
- Preheat the grill to medium heat. Brush artichokes with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Grill face down for ~5-10 minutes until grill marks form. (If you don't have a grill, they can also go under the broiler for about 2 minutes on each side)
- Serve with aioli or a dipping sauce of choice
Grilled Artichoke FAQs:
Can I boil whole artichokes instead of halves?
Yes, you can boil whole artichokes. To do this, you will need to steam them for a longer period of time, approximately 45-60 minutes, until they are tender. Then, slice them in half and proceed with grilling as described in the recipe.
Can I use a different oil for grilling the artichokes?
Yes, you can use a different type of oil such as avocado oil, grapeseed oil, or canola oil. However, olive oil is recommended as it adds a delicious flavor to the artichokes.
What is the best dipping sauce for grilled artichokes?
Garlic aioli is our favorite sauce to serve with grilled artichokes. We prepare it with garlic, olive oil, and egg. Other options include lemon butter, balsamic vinegar, or a simple vinaigrette. They are also delicious on their own.

Grilled artichokes are a flavorful and delicious addition to any meal. By following these tips for picking the best artichokes and grilling them, you can create a delicious appetizer or side dish. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different dipping sauces to find your favorite arti perfect combination! We hope you enjoy making these delicious grilled artichokes!